Balal Olfat

He was born in Hamadan, Iran in 1981. He has an MA in production. He started making films in 2010 after passing the professional course of filmmaking and by making the short film Boot [Pootin]. In addition to winning various awards, he has been the secretary of Ayandeh Roshan Festival, chief editor of the cinematic monthly Ou, secretary of cultural monthly Zero Hour, member of the board of editors of Qoqnoos magazine, member of the scriptwriting workgroup in IRIB Research Centre, and head of the board of directors of Baran Sobh Institute.

Short Films :

2010 : Boot (Pootin) / fiction / 1 min / Iran
2010 : Closer than Far (Nazdiktar Az Door) / fiction / 10 min / Iran
2011 : Votes (Ara) / documentary / 36 min / Iran
2011 : Water-Carrier (Saqa) / documentary / 30 min / Iran
2012 : When the women’s souls turn blue (Vaqti Roohe Zanha Abi Mishavad) / documentary / 15 min / Afghanistan
2013 : Angels’ Walking in Stormy Weather (Piyadehravye Fereshtegan Dar Havaye Toofani) / documentary / 40 min / Iran, Iraq